
2MTC Tesla Coils at the Croatian Pavillion in Europa Park
Experience our 2MTC Tesla Coils playing music at the Croatian Pavillion in Europa Park.

Photoelectric effect
Discover the fascinating phenomenon of the photoelectric effect.

Tesla Phone in a cobalt blue
The old German yellow telephone booth has been transformed into a beautiful cobalt blue.

Fog installation
The story of the interaction of man and fog in the magic garden of the Gallery Art Engert.

Jacob's ladder
Our version of Jacob’s ladder comes with a protective hood. On request, we equip it with a filter or an exhaust for the produced nitrous oxide gases.

Noah Levi - A new music video for a rising star
28.6.19.-29.6.19, Workshop, Quadrath-Ichendorf, Germany

Large-scale fog installation for phaeno
Summer, sweltering temperatures, sunshine, and refreshing mist. This unlikely mixture was recently staged by the Effektschmiede on the square in front of the science centre phaeno in Wolfsburg, Germany.

Tesla Coils!
What do you get when a famous Irishman happens upon our stall at a convention in Portugal? A spark of inspiration and a new Science Centre for Dublin!

A Night at the Laboratory
Caution: Superlatives. The Science Centre experimenta in Heilbronn, Germany, just opened a new exhibition. It boasts a previously unrivalled amount of Tesla coils, alongside a floating Van de Graaf Bench, and a Can Crusher for cans up to two litres.

Blazing Thunderbolts
Robotics, mechanics, pyrotechnics and noise — all things that the festival Robodonien is known on the international stage.

Alpine Bliss in Dubai
The view is always better at the top — the same goes, of course, for the Swiss pavilion at Expo 2020 in Dubai. When you enter the pavilion, you’re taken along on a scenic hike through Switzerland.

Intangible Movements
Wind is only ever visible on account of the things it affects: leaves rustling on trees, blades of grass bending, kites flying or other manmade sculptures moving.

Fog from Thin Air
Is it possible to have fog during the most radiant sunshine? Yes, but only in Museum Villa Rot, a little to the South of Ulm.

Van De Graaf Bank
The Van de Graaff generator is attached to a bench so that the bench becomes statically charged. Everyone who sits on such a bench becomes statically charged, too – much like running your hand along the toroid of a classical Van de Graaff generator.

Rooms made of Air
Rooms come in many shapes: they can be made from walls, words, sounds, light and fog.

Can Crusher
This experiment looks like an ordinary spiral and is placed on top of a black box. When a tin can is placed inside the spiral, it acts as a secondary coil to the outer spiral.

Bunte Bodenständigkeit
How are carpets made? Obviously, you take a couple of colourful threads and weave them together. But how? Our new exhibit in the Museum of Islamic Art in Berlin’s Pergamon Museum shows how it’s done.

Reach out and touch lightning!
Reach out and interact with lightning with our new installation in the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn. Although you will interact with high voltage current, you’re protected by a Faraday Cage so that the only current running through your body will be the adrenaline produced by the palpable tension of this spectacle.

10 Jahre phaeno
The science museum phaeno in Wolfsburg celebrated its 10th anniversary. They put on an open day and we were on site to put on a short but atmospheric show. We had the help of our largest Tesla coil and used it to light bright neon lights and explode some balloons.

Tales of Magnetism and Current
In November we had a visit from Bremen: Dr Marion Budde and Dr Tobias Wolff from the Universum® Sciences Center visited Effektschmiede.

Das Effektschmiede Frühjahrsprojekt
During the Helleborus days in the gardens of Peter Janke, we put a landscape architecture experiment in motion by planting and staging a willow circle.

Noc Muzeja
At Belgrade's Night of the Museums the German embassy contracted us to create a mise-en-scène out of water and light at the place where the Sava and Danube rivers meet.

Tesla meets Symphonie meets Star Wars
For the first time ever, the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra conducted by Torodd Wigum has staged a piece with two Tesla coils as part of the instrumentation.

Spring of fire
Where fire and water come together. The flames are carried by water, are in the water, dart out of it, they are surrounded and bathed by water and dance on its surface.

Illuminated Cloud Plasma apparition
Leuchtwolke: Der Aufbau ähnelt dem einer Geisslerschen Röhre und veranschaulicht das Prinzip der Aurora Borealis. Es werden Versuche mit unterschiedlichen Medien, Spannungen und Drücken durchgeführt.

A Courtly Affair
Hesse's most beautiful Baroque estates form the backdrop to the annual Fürstliches Gartenfest. We had the opportunity to install fog sculptures in three different locations, with stunning results.

Festival Nauke
Natürlich sind wir auch im Kleinformat ganz groß! Mitte Dezember waren wir in Belgrad, hatten unsere kleinste Tesla-Spule im Gepäck, außerdem einen „Ringschuss“ als Tisch-Variante und eine elektrische Mini-Mutprobe.

Smart Electric Symphony
At the Festival of Lights in Berlin we created an outstanding experience.

A Projection Screen of Mist
When fog is released into the air, it fills any room with small particles of water. That is why projecting onto fog produces such a different and variable effect. It is not like any screen, rather the projection occupies the entire room, becoming three-dimensional.

Cloud Construction
For our old friend Peter Janke we arranged a living and breathing Land Art installation made from young willow trees.

Cherry Bug
Just before the first snow of the year started to fall, we managed to finish our work on a growing Land-Art installation for a private client in southern Germany.

Sandnes is a small town in Norway, 15 kilometres to the south of Stavanger, which offers a very special attraction: the Science Factory Vittenfabrikken.

Willow Bowl
Since the beginning of April, a very special object has been attracting a lot of attention in the gardens of Peter Janke.

Traditional Tesla coil SG10 TC
The SG10 TC is a resonant transformer built around an air core, also known as a Tesla coil. The Tesla coil is based on the principles of the coils originally developed by Nikola Tesla. Tesla was one of the most unusual personalities in the long history of inventors and pioneers.

Wire experiment
Solid, fluid, gaseous, plasma – this exhibit makes use of all aggregate states. The wire is affixed to a head mount and placed on top of a black box that contains the technology to control and generate high voltage electricity.

Shell of dreams
Slide your hand across the handcrafted oaken shell – and sounds, chords and melodies will be heard. The highly sensitive sensor technology on the inside of the shell makes it a sensual musical instrument.

Trevira „Cloud“
Trevira presents the "Trevira City" with the "Cloud of Ideas" at the Orgatec 2016